New Ontario Regulations for Lepidoptera

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Sun Aug 29 06:33:45 EDT 1999

The Ontario regs are interesting if imperfect. 

I am not opposed to regulations on invertebrates. 

In some jurisdictions, protecting invertebrates may be an important step 
in protecting habitats. 

Those of us who have worked primarily  with vertebrates have had to get 
scientific permits from federal and state agencies for our entire 
working life. So it doesn't seem so onerous if we now have to apply for 
an additional permit to collect certain invertebrates.

I probably wouldn't want to have to apply for a separate permit 
everytime I capture an ant or bee or aphid for identification. 

One of the ironies and inconsistencies in some proposed regs, is that 
it's ok to capture or kill something if you're not doing it seriously or 
planning to study it. But once you decide to study it you need a permit. 

This is true in foreign countries as well.  When we go to Kenya to watch 
wildlife, no permit required. But when we went to study behavior we got 
a permit. 

Mike Gochfeld

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