Wanted: Advice for Rearing *Parasemia plantaginis* (Wood Tiger)

Alan and Jeri Coates alan5319 at aol.com
Mon Aug 30 13:15:43 EDT 1999

In mid-June we were presented with a dying female of *Parasemia plantaginis*,
the Wood Tiger. She had been nuked by some (unknown) pesticide by forest
workers. The species is quite rare, recently upgraded as Notable. Happily,
before she expired she laid 17 eggs in the tube in which she had been confined.
To make a long story short, much to our delight we still have 16 lively larva
munching on the (well washed) food we are offering. Although offering a variety
of plants, including *plantago ssp.*, they seem to prefer dandelion, *Taraxacum

It is now the end of August. We are aware that the life cycle of this species
includes larval diapause at half-growth, probably beginning sometime in October
and we are becoming anxious that we will not enjoy the same viability rate if
we do not prepare now. We have no experience of rearing this species, but would
dearly love to see the larva make it back to their original habitat, as perfect
insects, at the right time. We wonder if anyone out there can advise us on how
we can successfully over-winter and rear on these poor orphans in Northeast

Your assistance is much appreciated.

Jeri & Alan Coates

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