Quick question

Joseph G. Kunkel joe at bio.umass.edu
Tue Aug 31 11:37:12 EDT 1999

You should look at the phylogeny at the Tree of Life WWW site, URL:


The URL is lonk and you need to avoid the linewrap loss of the end.


P/F wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to figure out the taxonomy of the order
> Lepidoptera; I'd like to get a whole picture of the order just to
> satisfy my curiosity. I'm a bit confused by the many different
> versions of classifications, etc and almost gone blind just
> reading them. I've come across the Comstock's, Hepper's version
> of classifications, etc.; I wonder which version do lepists
> follow in general? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks for you
> time.
> P/F

Joe Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
joe at bio.umass.edu  http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/kunkel/

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