smoke and butterflies?

Laurel Godley godley at
Tue Aug 31 14:10:53 EDT 1999

Has anyone ever researched the effect of smoke from forest fires on 

I will be visiting my father in Redding, Ca this weekend and he commented on 
the number of fires there.  It got me to wondering if something like smoke 
drift and inhalation would effect butterflies much.  Certianly I would 
expect the effects of the actual fire and the heat in the vicinity to kill 
most things.  What I'm thinking is more along the lines of butterflies in 
the next valley or ridge away.  10 miles?  25 miles?  50 miles?  Would smoke 
blown by the wind impact them significantly?  It certianly seems that 
mosquitos steer clear around the camp fire but is there a physiological 
reason why insects might flee?

in San Jose, CA

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