butterflies on Passo San Bernardino

Paul. M. Sammut pasammut at vol.net.mt
Fri Dec 3 15:30:06 EST 1999


	I am reposting this message again because I have received a "return
message error".

        Would like to contact anybody who has done collecting or is
with the butterflies on and around the Passo San Bernardino, south of
Splugenpass (Passo di Monte Spluga).

        Especially I would like to know whether Coenonympha darwiniana
Coenonympha gardetta fly togther here. Also which Pyrgus species one
would expect to find, and possibly a list of Erebia species flying in
this area.

        I have collected a little here last summer and am stuck with
identification of some Coenonymphas and small erebias. Thanks to all.

Paul Sammut

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