OLWW Millennium update coming...
Phil Schappert
philjs at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Dec 10 14:09:28 EST 1999
Hi all,
It's been awhile since I've posted one of these! While the OLWW is a
volunteer project, I do realize that not updating it more frequently
reduces its usefulness. For the lapse in updates I can only apologize
and offer my only excuse: "I've been busy!"
In any case, I am planning a "millennium" update (and I use that term
loosely, with great trepidation) and would like to make a plea that
anyone who wants to be listed should submit their listing as soon as
I already have, on hand, new listings/updates from the following (in
approximate submission order):
Dave Clermont, John Snyder, Bruce Walsh, Jonathan Sylvestre
James K. Adams, David H. Small, Douglas D. Dawn, Laurent Lecerf
Mark Deering, Tony Prichard, Matti Ahola, Richard L. Hardesty
Bill Rhodes, Eric LaGasa, H. Carl Cook, Hideyuki Chiba
Todd L. Stout, Kazushi Hirano, Chris Conlan, William E. Conner
Simon Coombes, Stefan Schroeder, Guy Van de Poel, James R. Reilly
Dmitry V. Sobanin, Jorge A. Torres Bauzá, Pierre A Plauzoles
Mike Quinn, Eric LaGasa, Angoon Lewvanich, Oleg G. Gorbunov
Maurizio Bollino, Mr Demay (France; missing first name)
Ilya Osipov (please note: missing email address)
Alfonso Corraleño, Andrew D. Warren
Please do NOT resubmit unless there is a change in your listing. If
you have submitted a listing or update in the last six months and your
name is not included above then please let me know.
The current list can be searched or you can obtain a copy by pointing
your web browser at:
If you would like to add your name to the list, or if you would like
to revise your current listing then you now have two options:
Submit your information online at the web site given above, or
fill out the form included below and e-mail it to me at:
philjs at mail.utexas.edu
Many thanks,
The Online Lepidopterists' Who's Who is a regularly updated list of
contacts for Lep-people who are online. It is intended, FOR PRIVATE
USE ONLY, to facilitate e-mail correspondence, to serve as a reference
on people's specialties for LEPS-L and the
sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera (s.b.e.l.) usenet newsgroup, and for
local contacts if you're going to be visiting someplace that you're
not familiar with.
Do not post your filled-in form on the newsgroup or on LEPS-L because
I won't take it from there. A final comment about the private
information section of this form: if you fill in the address and
phone/fax fields below the dashed line, this information *WILL* be
posted in the available version of the Who's Who. If you do not want
this information generally available then do not fill in this section.
E-mail address:
Web Site: http://
Dr. Phil Schappert
Section of Integrative Biology, Stengl-Lost Pines Biological Station,
School of Biological Sciences, University of Texas,
C0930, University of Texas, 401 Old Antioch Rd,
Austin, TX 78712-1064 Smithville, TX 78957-5095
Office/Lab: 512-471-8240 Station: 512-237-3864
Fax: 512-471-3878 Fax: 512-237-3864 (call ahead)
mailto:philjs at mail.utexas.edu http://www.esb.utexas.edu/philjs
"Just let imagination lead, reality will follow through..."
Michael Hedges
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