Warm Days and butterflies and Moths

Leptraps at aol.com Leptraps at aol.com
Wed Dec 22 13:47:35 EST 1999

I love to read postings of warm days and the few common butterflies that are 

Try this out! I went collecting yesterday with David Fine of Delray Beach on 
Big Pine Key, Monroe County, (In the Lower Keys of Florida). I was a rather 
cool day with the temperature in the low 80's. We found the following: 
Strymon acis bartrami, Strymon martialis, Strymon columella, Tmolus azia, 
Hemiargus ammon, Anaea floridalis, Junonia everate everate, Euphyes pilatka 
klotsi (both adults and larva & pupa in sawgrass pits), Polygonus leo, 
Phocides pigmalion okeechobee, Cymaenes tripunctus, and Panoquina 
ponaquinoides. We also took some nice moths, Pachylia ficus, Eumorpha vitis 
and several Composia fidelissima.

The worst part of the trip was the ride home with the air conditioner running.

Don't you just hate a smart ass from south Florida!!

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, we are going again on Monday.


Leroy C. Koehn
Lake Worth, FL

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