Rearing Butterflies -- Many Questions

Calypso985 calypso985 at
Mon Dec 27 13:11:32 EST 1999

Hello, everyone!

My husband gave me a Butterfly "kit" for Christmas, and I am very much looking
forward to trying it out.  Suddenly, I find that I have more than just a
passing interest in this topic!   I have a coupon to mail in, for which I will
receive 5 Painted Lady larvae.  I am going to wait until spring, though, so
that I can release them into my yard :-)   Also,  I now have about a ZILLION
(OK, maybe only 10 or so) questions!!

1.  Is it difficult to rear "tropical" butterflies in a temperate climate (I
live in Oregon)?  What special equipment is required?  In other words, just
WHAT am I getting into here?

2.  What about "host plants"?  (Yes, I've been reading a bit.)  Can native
plants be substituted, or are butterflies picky eaters/breeders?

3.  Where and how does one obtain eggs and/or larvae of species not native to
your region?  (I'd really like to try Luna Moths.)   Are permits required?  Are
there "dealers" who sell these things?

I should mention that I have absolutely NO interest in dead specimens, pinned
in a box.  Any butterflies that I manage to rear will be released (if
possible), or kept for breeding (if I am successful at this).

Any/all help is GREATLY appreciated!!  I hope to hear from many of you soon :-)
 Thank you all in advance for your help!


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