Postman Butterfly

Scott Mcphee hyphae at
Tue Dec 28 04:47:02 EST 1999

Thanks for the help guys. I wish I could post the photo, but I do not have a

A further question: A Blue Morpho was common around Monteverde. Is there
more than one species that look similar in the area? Does anyone know the
species name of the Morpho in that area?

Also, I appreciate your new website. I have found it useful.

Thank you ,

(regretting becoming interested in Entomology _after_ a visit to the

Heliconius wrote in message
<5ZY94.751$9e3.37714 at>...
>The 'Postman' is also called a 'Longwing'. Genus Heliconius. There are
>hundreds of species. Can you post your photo? Their larval foodplant is
>Passiflora (Passion Vine).
>- Clark
>Scott Mcphee <hyphae at> wrote in message
>news:OLIcTNNU$GA.352 at cpmsnbbsa03...
>> While in Costa Rica this spring I took some pictures of a butterfly with
>> common name of Postman.  Can anyone provide me with the scientific name
>> this butterfly?
>> Thank you,
>> Scott

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