Cambria Monarchs

Christine A. Morigi camorigi at
Mon Feb 1 14:16:21 EST 1999

I traveled to Cambria, CA on 1/28 and 1/29.  All the hiking trails
leading into Pine Ridge were closed for "plant rehabilitation", so I had
no opportunity to check out the overwintering spot there.  I would have
enjoyed sneaking in, but the planting crewmen were everywhere!  I did
however travel up highway 1 to the eucalyptus grove located across the
highway from Herst Castle.  Monarchs on the wing were plentiful, however
I saw only a few clusters and then, only a few dozen clustered together
in any one spot.  A little disappointing.
I'm on the hunt for a host plant identification reference source.   Any
recommendations to a good book would be appreciated.  Color pictures
Chris Morigi
Chatsworth, CA
mail to: camorigi at

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