Gillette Museum Publications
Paul A. Opler
paulevi at
Wed Feb 3 11:13:10 EST 1999
Dear Leps-L,
The prices of the series have been increased to cover costs and a new issue
on Colorado longhorn beetles has just come out for those of you who might
also be interested inj that family or know of friends who are.
Contributions of the C.P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity (ISSN
There are 3 separately numbered subseries.
They are:
Moths of Western North America
#1. Distribution of Saturniidae of western North America by Peigler and
Opler. 1993. $6.50
#2. Distribution of Sphingdae of western North America by M.J. Smith. 1995.
#3. Distribution of Arctiidae of western North America by several
authors.1999. In preparation. price not set.
#4. Distribution of Oecophoridae of western North America by Powell and
Opler. 1996. $9.00
Lepidoptera of North America
#1. Distribution of silkmoths (Saturniidae) and hawkmoths (Sphingidae) of
Eastern North America by Opler. 1993. $16.00
#2. Distribution of Butterflies (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) of eastern
North America by Opler. $18.00.
Insects of Western North America
#1. A Survey of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Colorado. 1999. D. Heffern.
Prices include postage and handling
All have cardstock covers with a color illiustration on front. All are
photocopied reproduction. All are stapled or have plastic binding.
They may be ordered from Dr. Paul Opler, Department of Bioagricultural
Sciences, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523. Make check to
"Gillette Publications."
I hope this information is of help. Let me know if you have questions.
Paul Opler, Managing Editor
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