Grizzly bears and moths

Dr Mark Young, Culterty Field Station nhi220 at
Thu Feb 4 03:00:22 EST 1999

Dear All,

I have been asked by Eric Bolen if I know of actual 
references to the eating of moths by grizzly bears.  He has 
heard that they may find hibernating groups of moths in 
caves and/or under logs etc. and then eat them but neither 
he nor I know of any actual references to this habit.  Can 
anyone help please.  It might be interesting to post the 
answer on the general list but Eric does not subscribe, so 
please can you copy any answer to him at 
"bolene at".

Thanks very much.

Mark Young

Dr Mark Young,
Culterty Field Station,
Dept of Zoology,
Aberdeen University,
Aberdeenshire AB41 6AA

Tel:01358 789631
Fax:01358 789214
m.young at

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