Moth Traps (UK)

Robert Seago rjseago at
Thu Feb 4 13:46:28 EST 1999

In article <36b99540.4847660 at>, Paul J Palmer

> I've posted some plans at
> As a lightsource I use an mv lamp with a choke reclaimed from an old
> lamp post.  The blended mv lamps work without the need for an external
> choke, but they are not supposed to be as good at attracting moths.
> For portable traps I cannibalise the circuits from 12V camping lights
> and buy 12W actinic tubes from Tandy or Maplins.  Car batteries to
> power the portable traps come from the scrap pile at a local car
> mechanics garage.
> Good luck!
> Paul Palmer
I also have the plans for my home made trap displayed on my web site. I
have been surprised how many it draws down in my little urban garden.

 Regards from :     Using a      :  Software for RiscOS:Conservation Pages
 Robert Seago : StrongArm RiscPC :

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