February butterflies in Central Texas

Mike Canzoneri mjc at eden.com
Sun Feb 7 15:54:00 EST 1999

Well, it's the first week of February and so far in the last week or two
I've seen the following in my backyard in Austin, TX:

At least two Papilio polyxenes (Eastern Black Swallowtail)
One Danaus gilippus (Queen)
Dozens of Agraulis vanillae (Gulf Fritillary)  ovipositing on the woody
remains of the Passiflora caerula
Several Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Several Libytheana bachmanii (Snout)
Several Eurema lisa (Little Yellow)
Many Zerene cesonia (Dogface) ovipositing on the Dalea frutescens
One Junonia coenia (Buckeye)
And plenty of skippers and other small things that I haven't identified

We had plenty of action here until mid-December.  Some November and
December days I counted at least 50 Queens in the backyard at a time
(and I'm in the city) and up to 200 butterflies total on the sunny
days.  We had about a week or two of cool weather this winter with a
couple of soft freezes and it's been in the 60s-70's up until today when
it hit the 80s.

The Asclepias currassavica which died to the ground is popping back up
and the Aristolochia fimbriata is doing the same.  BTW, A.fimbriata is a
great host for Battus philenor (Pipevine Swallowtail)....they are really
drawn to it and it recovers quickly after being defoliated by the
larvae.  I believe it's native to Mexico (I'm not positive, though), but
it handles the winter beautifully here in Central Texas.  Even the young
plants I had started from seed late last summer and had left in pots
outside survived the freezes here, as they are sprouting back nicely
from the tubers.


** I really wouldn't mind a tiger or a lion  **
** But you can take your plain old cat.      **
** And all your kitty litter                 **
** And cans of chopped liver                 **
** And throw 'em in a gunny sack.            **
** I hate cats.                              **
**                                           **
** Harry Waller - from "I Hate Cats"         **

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