scanned books

Tadeusz Zatwarnicki ZATWAR at EKONOM.AR.WROC.PL
Mon Feb 8 13:35:28 EST 1999

I work on taxonomy of true flies, but I deal also with electronic
documents, which could be interested for funs of butterflies.
I developed the method of scanning books and store them on CD-ROMs
in Acrobat format (PDF files). The technology allow to save about
3000 double black white or 150 colour pages in 600 dpi resolution
on one disk. I already started scanning the work of Seitz, Die
Grossschmeteringe der Erde. Unfortunately we have in Poland german
text available and I would like to borrow english text volumes or
to purchase clean xerox-copies of english text.
I would be appreciate for any suggestion of other lepidoptera
publications which are worth to be scanned. According to Berne
Convention old books, whose authors died at least 50 years ago
could be copied without permission of editor, so your suggestions
should not extend the year 1945.
If you are interested in I can send you a sample CD-ROM with
Acrobat Reader (Adobe Inc.) and examples of already scanned books.
Sincerely yours. Tadeusz Zatwarnicki

dr. Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Department of Zoology University of Agriculture
ul. Cybulskiego 20, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland
e-mail address: zatwar at

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