butterfly houses

Nigel Venters venters at interalpha.co.uk
Mon Feb 8 13:23:38 EST 1999

>Matthew Smith wrote........ 
>Be afraid.  Be very afraid!.  They are here in th UK as well  !!!!!  Nice
>slatted wood boxes with pictures of butterflies on the outside into which
>Small Tortoiseshells (Aglias urticae), Brimstones (Gonepteryx rhamni) and
>other hibernating butterflies are supposed to fling themselves with gay
>abandon at the first sign of winter.  Available ffom a catalogue near you.

>There are also lacewing houses along the same lines, which are claimed to
>have some success.

Good god is there no hope for any of us! I must dust down my ultrasonic
mole scarer, and see if I can adapt it to scare away ichnueman flies.

Nigel Venters

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