butterfly papered specimens
rboutin at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 15 11:25:16 EST 1999
Americo Bonkewitzz Zoology and Entomology wrote:
> SK Khew (khewsk at hotmail.com) wrote:
> : I wish you wouldn't use butterfly wings for "art". It usually
> results
> : in wanton killing for an unjustified cause. There have been long
> drawn
> : debates on the collecting/killing versus conservation issue on this
> : leps-list. Yours is definitely one case that would not receive much
> : support on this list.
> Well, I would support him AS LONG AS he uses discarded material from
> butterfly
> farms and butterfly houses.
> : Using killed butterflies for "art" is something that would probably
> hurt
> : the population of any species, no matter how abundant they may be at
> the
> : moment.
> You are taking for granted that the butterflies that he uses come all
> from
> the wild. Don't you know that there are butterfly farms ?
> : Please reconsider your intention to use real butterflies in the name
> of
> : art.
> Well, tell me what do you think that huge butterfly exhibits and
> butterfly
> farms do with discarded butterflies (those dead with broken wings,
> with
> no scientific or commercial value) ?. Next time you visit to a
> butterfly
> house ask that question to them. The perfect specimens are donated to
> schools, museums, etc and those taty or broken are thrown away...and
> we are
> not talking about few, but hundred of them.
> I have been doing high resolution images of Southern African birds
> using
> small pieces of discarded butterfly wings
> (http://www.freeyellow.com/members4/butterflyart/. It takes very
> little
> from each wing (it's not a whole wing that you use but a small piece
> of it).
> I see this a a way of re-using a waste material that a butterfly
> house/farm
> produces.
> You can see the romantic and the commercial aspect of this: the first
> is that
> you create another beauty from dead and damaged specimens and the
> second is
> that a butterfly that in perfect condition may cost around 2 Dolards
> and
> dead & damaged just nothing then as a picture can get up to US$50
> Dolards or
> more according the work involved.
> If you want to know what is possible to do with discarded butterflies
> then
> visit my website: http://freeyellow.com/members4/butterflyart/
> : Just my 2 cents' worth.
> : >I am looking for a supplier of papered butterfly specimens that I
> can
> : order in
> : >quantity for artwork. If you could help me with this, or know of a
> : supplier,
> : >please e-mail me at ladd123 at aol.com Thank you very much, cheri
> hiers
> : >
> : ______________________________________________________
> : Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Rene Boutin
33 St-Georges
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