Butterflies Through Binoculars : The East

Ron Lane RL7836 at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 17 19:56:56 EST 1999

Do you know if this is an entirely new book or is it basically some new chapters
added to his Boston-New York-Washington Butterflies through Binoculars Book?


mqnature at hiline.net (Mike Quinn) wrote:

>The following book is now available:

>Butterflies Through Binoculars : The East by Jeffrey Glassberg

>                           Paperback - 416 pages
>                           (January 1999)
>                           Oxford Univ Pr (Trade); ISBN: 0195106687

>Mike Quinn <MQnature at hiline.net>
>TX-Butterfly Listserv Co-Owner
>Donna, TX - Rio Grande Valley

Ron Lane
RL7836 at worldnet.att.net
Central NJ, USA

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