2/20 Southern Cal
moe at home
NOSPAM at blink.net
Fri Feb 26 01:28:35 EST 1999
i am new to this NG, and in fact just got interested in the subject through
my Insect Life course at UMASS, but i was wondering do you trap any
butterflies or just observe? anyone with opinions on collecting? or a
didital collection as an alternative?
Mark Walker wrote in message
<45F8A30CE009D2118F850000F805064D8FE256 at hqmail.gensym.com>...
>Well, after four successive weekend excursions with no activity, I have the
>following report from the East Fork of the San Gabriel River, just north of
>Los Angeles, CA:
>Mostly sunny, with a high near 75F (24C). At elevation, above 4000 ft.
>Area was under snow as recent as 4 weeks ago.
>11:00 a.m.
>Papilio Rutulus (Western Tiger Swallowtail) - 2
>Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) early spring variety - 2
>Colias eurydice (California Dogface) male and female - 6
>Callophrys [Incisalia] augustinus (Brown Elfin) - 1
>Celastrina ladon echo (Spring Azure) - 8
>Boloria epithore (Western Meadow Fritillary) - 3
>Nymphalis antiopa (Mourning Cloak) - 4
>I couldn't positively id the fritts, whose presence surprised me a little
>All in all, there were surprisingly many butterflies on the wing. I was
>only in the area investigating for about 40 minutes. I suppose the list
>could have easily been longer, had I stayed in the area. A year ago at
>time in Vermont, I was shoveling snow...
>Mark Walker
>Mission Viejo, CA
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