SA butterflies and citation

Cal Snyder snyder at
Fri Feb 26 20:26:41 EST 1999

In reply to Mr. Hafener's request, whose posting I missed, my own best
"how many" estimate for a small area is from the Manu and
Tambopata field stations in the Madre de Dios of Peru.  Here more than
a decade of sampling has produced vouchered lists of about 1500
species of butterflies.  I believe that these are the highest recorded levels
of butterfly diversity for one locality.  Many of these species are widespread
throughout the lowland Neotropics.  But, among other factors, the unusual
floodplain regime of the Madre de Dios and its complex mosaic of plant
communities support high species-level diversity of both plants and

My first posting citing Scoble and reporting on other work on Lepidopteran
diversity was in response to the dialogue between Walker and Adams;  the full
citation for Scoble is:

Scoble, Malcolm
The Lepidoptera: form, function and diversity;
Oxford University Press 1992
ISBN 0 19 854031 0

This book is published under the copyright of the British Museum of
Natural History.

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