2/20 Southern Cal

Troy Bartlett bartlett at accessgenesis.net
Sat Feb 27 10:24:41 EST 1999

Moe at home wrote:
> i am new to this NG, and in fact just got interested in the subject
> through
> my Insect Life course at UMASS, but i was wondering do you trap any
> butterflies or just observe? anyone with opinions on collecting? or a
> didital collection as an alternative?

I tried collecting awhile a few years back but decided it wasn't for me. 
As you mention, what I really wanted was to make a virtual insect
collection using photographs, but it was prohibitively expensive at the

Now, I'm very much into photographing insects and have just started posting
my photos online.  I really enjoy observing, photographing, and
subsequently researching what I've "captured" on film.  I've come to accept
that often I will not be able to identify what's in the picture, but that's
OK.  It's still fun reading about what it might be.  I can usually narrow
things down to a family or genus.
Troy Bartlett
bartlett at accessgenesis.net
Website: http://members.xoom.com/troybartlett

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