Practical Chemical Information Sought
SK Khew
khewsk at
Sun Feb 28 21:58:45 EST 1999
Hi Chris,
What you could do is to dissolve the napthalene crystals in petrol and
then paint the mixture onto the butterfly bodies. You could even put in
a few other chemicals for an added measure of protection.
The petrol evaporates and leaves behind the fine white crytsals of
napthalene on the bodies of the specimens.
Should be easy enough for you to try, as long as you don't smoke when
mixing this cocktail. :-)
>Most of us know about using Napthalene flakes to prevent dermestid
>infestation and how Paradichlorobenzine kills dermestids to protect our
>butterfly collections.
>However, I have a situation/application which prevents me from using a
>solid form of either of the foregoing and it has been suggested that
>"painting" the abdomens with either of these products or another
>suitable solution, would achieve my goal.
>I'm no chemist and I even make a lousy cup of coffee, so I'm reluctant
>to play around with chemicals that might be carcinogenic or make my
>to fall off. (This from a guy who smokes 40 a day?)
>If there are any budding Nobel Prize winners out there who can suggest
>PRACTICAL and PROVEN method of treating specimens as I've outlined,
>could you please advise me.
>Chris Hocking
>Papillon Entomology . . . . . . . . . . Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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