Papered list

Alexei G. Belik belik at
Sat Jan 9 11:45:23 EST 1999

David Albaugh wrote:

> Does anyone know of a list service for the legal trading of papered
> specimens?

Dear David:

If under the term "trading" you mean "exchange" rather than "commercial
interactions", then you have no need in dealer's offerings!

I have not seen such a listserver like you need, but some places on the
Web could be of service for you.

You may try  Butterflies Discussion Area at
(if the URL still is correct - I have not been there since long time).
If doesn't work - go to  The Butterfly WebSite at - the Area place must 
be somewhere there.

There were listed a lot of people from various countries around  the
globe, who wish to exchange specimens etc.

Further, once I visited very nice "The Butterfly Traders' Site"
constructed by Kevin L. S. Drury  mailto:kevin.drury at 
I did not bookmark it, but certainly you'll find the URL via 
the search-engines using the mentioned title as the keywords, 
or ask its creator via the email.

Hoping this is of some help. Good luck!


Alexei G. Belik
belik at

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