pterophoridae, identification, loans

Cees Gielis C.Gielis at
Sun Jan 10 09:16:41 EST 1999

My name is Cees Gielis M.D., Ph.D., working as a volunteer curator for Pterophoridae in the
Nacional Natural History Museum in Leiden the Netherlands.
I work on a world wide revision of Pterophoridae (Plume moths). 
The main interrest at this moment is the Holarctic and Neotropic faunas, but other areas are
not neglected. In the last 9 years I have produced 20+ journal publications on the subject and a
book on the European species.

To continue the studies I am interrested in loans of Pterophoridae material for identification
and data acquisition. Also I am interrested in exchange of insects (I am interrested in Pterophoridae only, but can offer specimens from other micro- and macrolepidoptera families) and
in purchase.

Please reactions to:    c.gielis at

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