pterophoridae, identification, loans
Henri-Jérôme bertin
hj.bertin at
Sun Jan 10 16:57:56 EST 1999
Dear Cees,
I am not myself a specialist of Pterophoridae though I do appreciate these wonderful fluffy marvels. I work, with some people from the French Natioanl Museum of Natural History, for the
magazine "Alexanor" you may know. We do have a specialist there. His name is Christian GIBEAUX. Frm my point of view, he has carried out (and he is still doing so) a beautyful work about
Pterophoridae of France and Europe and even Asia. He has written several articles and you could may be exchange some data or specimens.His adress is the following :
Christian Gibeaux
Résidence "Les Ruches"
17, rue Bernard Palissy
F-77120 Avon
I do not know him personnally, but I am sure he would be intersted in exchanges with you.
You can also get his articles through Mr Christian LUQUET who is the editor of the french magazine "Alexanor"
Chr. Luquet
Revue Alexanor
45, rue de Buffon
F-75 005 Paris
I have some references of Mr GIBEAUX articles, but I have no time to do the research now. Tell me if you can't get in touch with Chr LUQUET.
Jérôme Bertin
Cees Gielis wrote:
> My name is Cees Gielis M.D., Ph.D., working as a volunteer curator for Pterophoridae in the
> Nacional Natural History Museum in Leiden the Netherlands.
> I work on a world wide revision of Pterophoridae (Plume moths).
> The main interrest at this moment is the Holarctic and Neotropic faunas, but other areas are
> not neglected. In the last 9 years I have produced 20+ journal publications on the subject and a
> book on the European species.
> To continue the studies I am interrested in loans of Pterophoridae material for identification
> and data acquisition. Also I am interrested in exchange of insects (I am interrested in Pterophoridae only, but can offer specimens from other micro- and macrolepidoptera families) and
> in purchase.
> Please reactions to: c.gielis at
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