Looking for Saturniid ova

Carol R. Lemmon Carol.Lemmon at po.state.ct.us
Tue Jul 6 15:08:46 EDT 1999

We are looking for fertile ova of Eacles imperialis pini and Citheronia
sepulcralis so we can rear out and photograph the larvae of these species.
We are working on a photo guide to lepidopteran conifer defoliators of the
Northeast and have been unable to locate these 2 species in the field.  We
would be willing to pay for these ova, as well as for overnight shipping.
We can be contacted at Carol.Lemmon at po.state.ct.us if you have access to any
of these species or know of someone who does.  Any help would be greatly
Thank you.
Carol Lemmon, Deputy State Entomologist, State of CT
Dr. Chris Maier, CT Agricultural Experiment Station
Jeff Fengler, Research Assistant, CAES

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