Looking for book on lep eyes ...

kayoko.nishihara kayoko.nishihara at nifty.ne.jp
Mon Jul 12 00:48:23 EDT 1999

> Does anyone know where I can find the following reference?
>   Yagi, N. and N. Koyama. 1963. The compound eye of the lepidoptera,
> Shinkyo- Press. 319 pp.
I think the exact title and publisher is:
YAGI, Nobuhiro and Nagao KOYAMA. 1963. The compound eye of the
Lepidoptera:Approach from organic evolution, Maruzen, Tokyo. 319 pp.
The book and their relevant paper are preserved at some libraries of
Japanese national universities, especially Shinshu University where
they studied compound eyes of butterflies. You can get copy services,
though it is rather expensive.
Kayoko Nishihara
Nagoya, Japan

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