Funereal Duskywing Q.

jhimmel at jhimmel at
Thu Jul 22 10:59:39 EDT 1999

According to the book "Butterflies of Houston"(Tveten), when the Funereal
Duskywing was considered a subsp. of Erynnis zarruco, the 2 were collectively
called Streamlined Duskywings.
John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at
On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, wanda <be496 at> wrote:
>It is noted as a subspecies under sp. 656, page 492 and Plate 43;656cd.
>Now a full species.
>                                               W. Dameron, L.A., Ca
>Justin Brown wrote:
>> Greetings all!
>> I am trying to find the account for the Funereal Duskwing (Erynnis
>> funeralis) in Scott's book but am having no luck.  Is this a new species
>> name?  Does anyone know what this butterfly could have formerly been
>> known as?
>> Thanks!

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