problems with pupae at the airport?

Anthony W. Cynor acynor at
Thu Jul 29 20:17:57 EDT 1999

It would be so nice if all those people that think regulators from the
government should be poking their very brown noses into every nook and
cranny of our lives would please pack up and find some nice totalitarian
police state with welcoming arms to move to permanently.
Michael Gochfeld wrote:
> I second John Shuey's comments on the importation or "smuggling" of
> livestock into the US.  I think he put it very well.  It's essy to
> rationalize that some creature will end up benign and attractive, or
> dead in a collection, but it's illegal and a bad idea.  If people need
> convincing, I recommend the chapters on Animals and Plants in Edward
> Tenner's compelling book "Why Things Bite Back" subtitle "Technology and
> the Revenge of Unintended Consequences". (Vintage Books/Random House;
> 1997).
> It's ironic that some of the most successful exotics were deliberate
> introductions: Starlings, Kudzu, Tamarisk, etc.

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