Papilio zelicaon

Anthony W. Cynor acynor at
Fri Jul 30 20:04:33 EDT 1999

Laurel Godley wrote:
> Chuck,
> Last year was the first year I reared this species.  I'm seeing similar
> results as well.  A large number of last season's pupae appear healthy but I
> haven't had any of them emerge in months.  Though a good number came out
> early on.  I wonder if it has to do with the over all cool temps in the SF
> Bay Area this year?  After all, this was the first time it has snowed in
> downtown San Jose since I was a kid (and we lived higher in the Santa Cruz
> mnts then.)
> Also curiously enough, I have a couple of chalcedon checkerspots that seem
> to be delaying larval diapause.  I had them looked at by Jasper Ridge's
> chalcedon expert and she was quite interested to see this.  I've been asked
> to keep astute records on how they progress to see if they will actually
> bypass the normal hibernation.  Again, I wonder if this could be a response
> to cooler temps in that perhaps it has extended the season for the host
> plant which would traditionally have dried out and been dead long since.
> Interesting stuff.
> Best wishes...  Laurel
> >From: Chuck Vaughn <aa6g at AA6G.ORG>
> >Reply-To: aa6g at AA6G.ORG
> >To: LEPS-L at
> >Subject: Papilio zelicaon
> >Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 08:08:10 -0700
> >
> >I had 12 Paplio zelicaon chyrsalises overwinter. Seven hatched by June
> >and 5 are still chrysalises. The seem healthy, good color with normal
> >flexibility. Has anyone ever heard of these overwintering for two seasons?
> >I have kept them outside so they experienced all the local conditions.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Chuck Vaughn <aa6g at>
> >
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