problems with pupae at the airport?

Anthony W. Cynor acynor at
Fri Jul 30 20:20:12 EDT 1999

> Tony -
> I think that you have a problem with people who have opinions that differ from
> yours - well I actually love this country, and defending it from idiots is indeed
> within my constitutional rights.
> In fact rather than just bitch, I tend to take action.  Last month I met with
> aides from Senator Lugar's office (Chair of the Senate Ag committee) to discuss
> this and other issues.  There are actually bills before the house and senate which
> address this (exotic species) and other important issues, and I believe that
> contributing to the discussion is indeed healthy.
> Doesn't it seem a little absurd to suggest that by defending our social and legal
> structure, I want to move to a totalitarian state.  I suggest you get into a solid
> liberal arts university, where they teach you some analytical / logic skills.
> John
I think you are not very observant Mr. Shuey.  Regardless of your
closing statement I do believe you are acting in a manner opposite of
that which you think you are.
> acynor at wrote:
> > I suppose you prefer totalitarianism and police state activities? Please
> > move to any such nation permanently!
> >
> > Tony
> >

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