Attracting California Sisters?
Chris J. Durden
drdn at
Tue Jun 1 01:32:10 EDT 1999
At 08:38 31/05/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 5/31/99 12:36:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>drdn at writes:
><< Subj: Re: Attracting California Sisters?
> Date: 5/31/99 12:36:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> From: drdn at (Chris J. Durden)
> To: Semjase at
> Itemize the dangers please if you think there is some unusual hazard.Chris
> > >
>The dangers are and they are not "unusual" just little thought about:
>Salmonella numerous species that can cause gastrointestinal problems that
>occasionally fatal
>Shigella same as the above except in this case much more infective since
>a few organisms can cause illness. A butterflies feet can easily
transport a
>dangerous dose.
>Staphlycoccus aureus etc. which produce a heat stable toxin.
>Numerous other bacteria that produce toxins such as C. botulinum etc. as
>as others too numeerous to mention that produce various G I disease. The
>danger of course increasesif a person immune system is compromised for one
>reason or another.
>This is the "biohazrd" that I mention.
Ok, nothing unusual here, nothing I am not exposed to from flies from my
neighbors' dog run.
Salmonella most of us catch at least once before we die. A little care in
kitchen routine and food choice helps here. (Wash that chicken before you
kook it.)
Shigella has occurred in my locality in the last few years at least once
among diners at a certain upscale restaurant (according to the county
health officer to whom my case was reported), although my case showed up
after dining on airline food.
Staph. aureus is the beast of boils, is it not?
C. botulinum sems to be the most dangerous but is out there all the time.
Seems to me that if you live anywhere where there are live butterflies
you may encounter these other normal inhabitants of our environment. Hardly
worth crying "WOLF" over a little butterfly bait?
.......Chris Durden
afterthought -
The biggest risk seems to me to be the rapid implementation (prior to
long term testing) of new technologies based on molecular manipulation that
may eventually turn out to compromise our immune systems. After these we
may be done for!
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