Common names

John Acorn janature at
Thu Jun 3 11:19:54 EDT 1999

Right on Jim!

Couldn't agree more.  I suppose that someone might even suggest that we
italicize English names (and yes, this is a better way to refer to them than
"common names") the same way we do the scientific.  That would be nice,
don't you think?  Or perhaps some jazzy font, like an old-fashioned British
with lots of swirls and curly-cues, or the type they used in the wild west,
with big blocky things on the tops and bottoms of each letter.  Let's take
some pride in our bugs, and tell the world they deserve more than normal
type.  (And yes, I am mostly kidding here-- please don't take this too
seriously and start a big argument...)

John Acorn
>From: "Jim Taylor" <1_iron at>
>To: <janature at>, <viceroy at>
>Subject: Re: Common names
>Date: Thu, Jun 3, 1999, 7:21 AM

>Folks, I had a pair of PAINTED BUNTINGS at my feeder this morning.
>Capitalization of the first letter is simply insufficient for these birds. I
>am considering underscoring and bold type as well.
>(Make you homesick, Anne?)
>Jim Taylor
>South Georgia

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