old scientific name
Martin Honey
M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
Sat Jun 12 04:20:53 EDT 1999
At 11:00 PM 6/11/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Could you tell me which current name (perhaps several species) those old
>names refer? (in Europe)
The answer to your question about the placement of your names can be found
in the 1997 French checklist by Lerault (Alexanor Suppl.):
1. dorilis Hufnalgel 1766 is a subspecies of Heodes tityrus (Poda 1761)
2. amphidamas Esper 1781 is a synonym of Helleia helle ([D. & S.] 1775)
3. argus Linnaeus 1758 is a good species in the genus Plebejus
4. astrarche Bergstrasse [1779] is a synonym of Aricia agestis ([D. & S.]
5. There are three citations of hylas. The oldest, hylas Linnaeus 1758 is a
species of Neptis (Nymphalidae). As you list it as "L." I assume that it
must be one of the two entries in the Lycaenidae: hylas [D. & S.] 1775 is a
synonym of Pseudophilotes baton (Bergstrasse [1779]), hylas Esper 1778 is a
synonym of Polyommatus dorylas ([D. & S.] 1775)
6. cyllarus Rottemburg 1775 is a subspecies of Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda 1761)
7. pasiphae Esper 1781 is preoccupied by pasiphae Cramer 1775 and is a
synonym of Pyronia bathesba (Fabricius 1783)
Hope this helps
Martin R. Honey CBiol MIBiol, Lead Curator (Moths)
Collections Management Division, Department of Entomology
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road
London, SW7 5BD, Great Britain
EMAIL: M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
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