w/e moth spp. list

Roger C. KENDRICK kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk
Tue Jun 15 03:08:39 EDT 1999

Well now,

As species lists from field trips are in vogue for the time being, I
felt you might (for once) like to see the results of (for me) a far
flung field trip, to Hong Kong's north east New Territories island of
Kat O (Kat O Chau = Crooked Island; this is like a minature Sulawesi,
but lacking the top "limb").

Kat O Chau is just a stone's throw from the "Mainland" of China and
normally only accessible to the public with special permits. Last
weekend was very hot & humid (upto 34°C / 95°F and between 60 & 85% r.h.
by day), so working overnight was a less exhausting shift than for the
rest of the HK Lepidopterists' Soc. group who were giving up butterfly
watching on the Sunday morning due to heat stress. We all sat around
under a big shady fig tree (Ficus microcarpa - with Banyan style arial
roots) by the only cafe on the Island and watched the butterflies flying
aroung the tree's canopy, topping up our liquid levels on a frequent
basis, whilst awaiting our boat back to the urban jungle.

The night's mothing was fairly busy. Apologies for the lack of
vernacular names, there just aren't any for the H.K. moth species!

[apologies to those who prefer very short postings and/or short species
lists, but be glad this is not a September or an October record, it
could have been over 300 species long!]

Some of these species are illustrated on the HKLS or HK Moths websites
(marked #)



12 June 1999: Kat O Chau (Crooked Island), New Territories, Hong Kong
[UTM grid reference: 50Q KK 217 955 (1984 datum)]

1 x 125W MBF (MV) / “Skinner” trap over a sheet.

Habitats within 100m: abandoned agricultural (damp grassland),
terrestrial coastal scrub & woodland, tidal mangrove, beach.

Start: 20:00; 26.8°C; 75% r.h.; f. 2 to 4, s.s.w.; 0% cloud cover;
ground dry.
Finish: 04:30; 23.7°C; 75% r.h.; f. 0 to 2, s.w.; 50% cloud cover;
ground damp with heavy dew.

Counts are as accurate as possible, but for more abundant species may be
an under-representation. Count timings: [23:30 / 04:30]. Some of the
"micro" leps are not included; all these were Gelechioidea plus one
Gracillariidae and numbered only a few individuals of a few species.
Given that the night was relatively calm, the number of small species is
surprisingly low.

  Ficulea blandulella  [1/2]

Tortricidae, Tortricinae
  Homona eductana  [11/19]
Tortricidae, Olethreutinae
  Sorolopha archimedias  [2/-]

  Miresa sp. nov.  [1/3]#
  Phlossa conjuncta  [1/2]
  Thosea sinensis  [-/1]

  Imma mylias  [3/5]

  Hyblaea puera  [3/4]

  Hypolamprus sp. nov.  [-/1]

Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae
  Locastra muscosalis  [2/1]
Pyralidae, Pyralinae
  Arctioblepsis rubida  [2/1]
  Endotricha consocia  [8/28]
  Endotricha minialis  [1/8]
Pyralidae, Phycitinae
  Etiella zinckenella  [1/1]
Pyralidae, Crambinae
  Calamotropha sp. indet.  [4/8]
Pyralidae, Nymphulinae
  Nymphicula sp. indet.  [1/1]
Pyralidae, Schoenobiinae
  Ramila sp. ? acciusalis  [3/3]
Pyralidae, Pyraustinae
  Archernis capitalis  [1/1]
  Bocchoris inspersalis  [1/2]
  Lamprosema tampiusalis  [2/1]
  Sameodes cancellalis  [-/1]
  Sinibotys habisalis  [1/1]
  Syllepte balteata  [-/1]

Drepanidae, Drepaninae
  Tridrepana fulvata  [1/2]
Drepanidae, Oretinae
  Oreta loochooana  [-/5]

Geometridae, Geometrinae
  Agathia arcuata  [1/1]
  Comibaena argentataria  [2/3]
  Comostola meritaria  [1/2]#
  Comostola pyrrhogona  [-/1]
  Lophophelma calaurops  [2/3]
  Pelagodes subquadraria  [-/3]
Geometridae, Sterrhinae
  Chrysocraspedon togata  [1/1]
  Gnamptoloma aventiaria  [2/4]#
  Idaea jakima  [1/3]
Geometridae, Ennominae
  Biston suppressaria  [4/12]#
  Chorodna strixaria  [2/1]#
  Cleora injectaria (mangrove form) [2/-]
  Ectropis bhurmitra  [1/7]
  Godonela fidoneata  [-/1]
  Heteralex unilinea  [1/1]#
  Hypomecis transcissa  [-/12]#
  Hyposidra infixaria  [-/7]
  Hyposidra talaca  [-/3]#
  Omiza pachiaria  [-/1]
  Ophthalmitis herbidaria  [-/1]
  Psilalcis galsworthyi  [25/30]
  Racotis boarmiaria  [3/2]
  Rutellerona pseudocessaria  [-/2]
  Trigonoptila latimarginaria  [1/3]
  Zanclopera falcata  [4/2]

Uraniidae, Microniinae
  Micronia aculeata  [-/1]#
Uraniidae, Epipleminae
  Phazaca sp. indet. (not seen this in HK before) [3/3]

  Trilocha varians  [1/-]

Sphingidae, Sphinginae
  Agrius convolvuli  [3/3]# - Convolvulus Hawkmoth
  Psilogramma increta  [-/14]
Sphingidae, Smerinthinae
  Acosmeryx castanea  [1/3]
  Marumba dyras  [16/22]#
Sphingidae, Macroglossinae
  Angonyx testacea  [1/2]
  Cechenena aegrota  [16/18]
  Hippotion rosetta  [-/2]#
  Macroglossum fritzei  [2/3]#
  Theretra clotho  [3/4]

  Ceira longipennis  [1/1]
  Cerura priapus  [2/3]
  Gargetta divisa  [-/1]
  Micromelalopha baibarana  [1/2]
  Norracoides basinotata  [1/2]
  Porsica punctifascia  [-/2]

Arctiidae, Arctiinae
  Creatonotus gangis  [-/2]
  Creatonotus transiens  [12/16]
Arctiidae, Lithosiinae
  Asura alikangiae  [-/1]#
  Asura arcuata  [1/2]
  Eilema antica  [3/4]
  Eilema fuscodorsalis  [3/3]
  Schistophleps bipuncta  [2/2]
  Tigrioides immaculatus  [2/4]

  Orygia postica  [6/4]
  Perina nuda  [-/3]

Noctuidae, Aganaiinae
  Asota caricae  [1/2]#
Noctuidae, Herminiinae
  Hydrillodes hemeusalis  [4/8]
  Lysimelia neleusalis  [-/3]
  Nodaria niphona  [1/1]
Noctuidae, Hypenodinae
  Schrankia costaestrigalis  [1/1]
Noctuidae, Hypeninae
  Britha biguttata  [1/1]
  Dichromia sagitta  [-/1]
  Hypena laceratalis  [1/2]
Noctuidae, Catocalinae
  Achaea janata  [-/1]
  Dysgonia illibata  [2/2]
  Dysgonia joviana  [1/1]
  Hypopyra vespertilio  [1/2]
  Spirama retorta  [1/1]
Noctuidae, Ophiderinae [Catocalinae sensu lato]
  Blastichorhinus enervis  [-/1]
  Chalciope mygdon  [2/-]
  Crithote horridipes  [1/2]
  Ecpatia longinqua  [2/1]
  Ericiea pertendens  [1/1]
  Ericiea subcinerea  [-/1]
  Gesonia obeditalis  [1/1]
  Loxiodes similis  [2/3]
  Maguda suffusa  [1/2]
  Pangrapta plumbilineata  [-/1]
  Pangrapta roseinotata  [1/3]#
  Sympis rufibasis  [1/-]
  Ugia insuspecta  [-/1]#
  Ugia purpurea  [3/8]
Noctuidae, Acontiinae
  Amyna punctum  [-/2]
  Cerynea ustula  [2/3]
  Corgatha dictaria  [1/1]
  Eublemma anachoresis  [1/1]
  Maliattha signifera  [1/1]
  Metaneme atriguttata  [1/1]
  Narangodes haemorrhata  [4/5]
  Sophta ruficeps  [1/1]
Noctuidae, Plusiinae
  Chrysodeixis eriosoma  [1/1]
  Zonoplusia ochreata  [-/1]
Noctuidae, Euteliinae
  Anuga multiplicans  [3/2]
Noctuidae, Sarrothripinae
  Iscadia inexacta  [1/2]
  Selepa molybdea  [2/-]
Noctuidae, Nolinae
  Nola analis  [2/3]
Noctuidae, Chleophorinae
  Carea confinis  [2/3]
  Carea varipes  [1/1]
  Earias flavida  [2/5]
Noctuidae, Agaristiinae
  Mimeusemia postica  [1/1]#
Noctuidae, Amphipyrinae
  Antha grata  [-/1]
  Athetis thoracica  [1/1]
  Callopistria exotica  [-/1]
  Callopsitria flavitincta  [-/1]
  Chasmina candida (mangrove specialist) [-/6]
  Spodoptera mauritia  [-/1]
  Spodoptera pecten  [1/1]
  Yepcalphis dilectissima  [7/6]
Noctuidae, Hadeniinae
  Mythimna consanguis  [-/1]
  Mythimna reversa  [-/1]

134 spp. (s)
493 individuals (N)

  Demonstrator / Ph.D. Student
  Dept. of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong
  mailto:kendrick at hkusua.hku.hk

mailing address:
  Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong
  Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, New Territories, HONG KONG

Hong Kong Moths website coordinator

HK Lepidoptera Group webmaster (English version)

HK Lepidopterists' Society (English version) [NEW]
  (may be redesignated to http://www.hkls.org)
  (and will eventually replace the HKLG site)

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