Utility corridors

Anne Kilmer viceroy at anu.ie
Fri Jun 18 09:08:07 EDT 1999

I received (a while ago) from my pal the tree pruner, a copy of a study
on the effect of herbicides vs. pruning on leps. Didn't make a particle
of difference, was the conclusion. 
What you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts. 
I think they were just doing head counts, rather than studying different
species, but the facts are probably there to be perused. 
Electromagnetic energy is not necessarily a bad thing. I have a Tens
unit ... doohickey that buzzes at painful spots until they go away. 
I suspect that they run those power lines along ley lines anyway, which
would really quite enjoy them. (Oh, do let's argue about dowsers some
They probably got an increase in the populations of butterflies that
like weeds; a reduction in the population of butterflies that need quiet
and solitude. Lots more monarchs, whites and sulphurs, which are the
butterflies one notices while bobbing along in a car. 
I think it would be fun to garden these areas for butterflies (and other
wildlife) hoping to foster some of the rarer varieties, if there isn't
much happening there anyway ... always checking to make sure that you're
not removing something nicer than the stuff you're planning to plant. 
I watched a batch of volunteers weeding along a roadside, and what they
were pulling up was wild gaillardia seedlings. Blanket flower. Highly
Whatever else we may run out of, there'll always be enough ignorance to
go around. 
Anne Kilmer

Mark Walker wrote:
> This whole idea is a great one, and if we could encourage the utilities to
> take it seriously (and abandon the use of herbicides), we might be able to
> turn these unsightly necessary evils into something really special.
> I already (silently) thank the utilities for providing some pretty nice
> walking trails (don't know if I'm always legal) through sometimes otherwise
> impassible areas.  Can't say much about the potential exposure to
> electromagnetic radiation, but we've already established the fact that I
> won't likely reach 80 years.  (Does you head also tingle when you walk under
> 10,000 V lines?).
> Seriously, though, if all of this butterfly hype can get the utilities
> interested in marketing their eco-friendliness, then I think we ought to do
> everything we can to encourage them.  Heck, I might even start using my air
> conditioner.
> Mark Walker.
> Jim Mason wrote:
> >
> >
> > John,
> >
> > It is my understanding that it was a common practice in the past for
> > utlilities to use broad-spectrum herbicides (e.g., Tordon)
> > along utility
> > corridors for brush control.  You might see if this is true
> > in your case and
> > if there is an alternative the company is willing to pursue
> > (annual mowing,
> > manual removal/pruning, etc.) either wholly or in selected
> > areas perhaps.
> >
> > Jim Mason
> > jemason at msn.com
> >
> >
> >

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