FW: NABA / The Necessary Clout? (was E Names)

Ernest Williams ewilliam at hamilton.edu
Fri Jun 18 14:09:34 EDT 1999

Lep folks,

>Now regarding the NABA species name list.  The folks on that committee
>were (and still are?) Brian Cassie, Jeffrey Glassberg, Paul Opler, Bob
>Robbins, and Guy Tudor. At least some of these are active professional
>academic lepidopterists, members of the Lepidopterist Society, who
>certainly do collect at least for scientific purposes.

According to the latest American Butterflies, 7(2), the "reconstituted"
NABA English Names Committee is Brian Cassie, Jeffrey Glassberg, Robert M.
Pyle, Ann Swengel, and Guy Tudor.

>Now for the question - There are some 3000 members of NABA.  How many
>LepSoc members also belong to NABA

I belong to both Lep Soc and NABA.  I like many things that NABA does,
including _American Butterflies_, but I put my energy into Lep Soc for 2
reasons.  Lep Soc supports the full range of interests and activities in
leps, including science done well (the focus of Lep Soc).  Also, Lep Soc is
a society open to its membership.  NABA remains Jeff Glassberg's creation,
and he is president and (it seems) on any committee he wants to be.


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