NABA / The Necessary Clout? (was E Names)

dontsend me nothin a22_no5pam_32 at
Wed Jun 23 18:34:14 EDT 1999

This brings-up an interesting question.
How are policy and action decisions made
in NABA? How are officers elected/selected?
I've been a member for a while, but I've
never seen any sort of ballot or anything.
(I hope I just overlooked it, or something.)
I would hate to think that there's no
way for a person to participate and
interact with the association.  If not, you
can only vote "yes" by sending in your $$$,
but you can't vote "no."

Does anyone have any info on this?

---  Dave in Atlanta

In article <376B8DAD.300AC7C7 at>,
  viceroy at wrote:

> well, have you considered that if you are all members of NABA you can
> outnumber the sentimental bug-huggers?
> If everyone who disagrees with what you imagine Jeff thinks just
> the club, it does indeed become a group of anti-collecting people. It
> loses its balance.
> I would hate to see that happen.
> There is no harm in teaching people other things to do with bugs
> putting them in glass cases. There is no harm in buying a duck stamp
> even if you don't intend to shoot ducks. We're all in this thing
> together, watching the rapid demise of all the organisms on this earth
> except man (and I don't feel too good, myself).
> Can we not, in the name of all that is holy, work together?
> This matter of habitat preservation and restoration is crucial. We
> facts, and lots of them. We will get those from collectors as well as
> photographers ... and I don't think a photo of Charaxes amandae would
> convince people that Amanda's Guligufi (known from two specimens) is
> different from all other butterflies.
> I prefer my butterflies on the wing, uninterrupted. But I will defend
> the need to teach children, by rearing ,catching, dissecting  and
> whatever means comes to mind ... and I will do it as a member of NABA,
> because, irritated though I may be by some folks, they are doing work
> respect.
> I'd like to see butterfly gardeners going for those rare species, and
> doing it the hard way ... by creating suitable habitat where exotic
> plant and animals have invaded.
> And without the scientists who know what they're doing, we're left
> a bunch of sentimental bug-huggers and a rotten little club. Don't do
> to us, fellows.
> Cheers
> Anne Kilmer
> Mayo
> Ireland

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