Bhutanitis lidderdalii (For Sale)

Neil Jones Neil at
Sat Jun 26 10:47:41 EDT 1999

In article <199906251444.WAA08343 at>
            An unidentified person writes:

> Do anyone interested in Bhutanitis lidderdalii ? A+ quality , only US$120 per !
>  with 
> CITES permit . If you interested in it please E-Mail me at

Just to warn eveyone again. This sounds suspiciously like some sort
of crooked deal or scam. The email address of the sender is being
deliberately obscured by the use of an anonymiser.

It appears that it is the same person who used this method some months
ago. I would consider it unlikely that someone who had a legitimate CITES
permit would be posting in such a devious manner.

Last time it turned out we were dealing with a dealer in "antiques" as well
as butterflies. The name has changed but the style of posting is

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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