Light traps.

Chris Raper triocomp at
Mon Jun 28 08:52:47 EDT 1999

On 28 Jun 1999 13:54:11 -0700, ceri.jones at (Ceri Jones)

>I am deciding which, light trap to buy. out of two I wonder if anybody could
>comment maybe on the better one.

Hi Ceri

I guess from your question that you are after a fairly portable design
that car run off a car battery - rather than the traditional
'Robinson' or 'Skinner' traps that need 240V AC? 

I've not much experience of the 'bucket' traps but I have seen them
advertised. The 12" tube sounds like it should give more light - and
therefore attract more moths, but the Heath trap probably packs
smaller and would be easier to take abroad or in a ruck-sack. 

Whichever you chose you must remember that these traps only attract a
very small percentage of the stuff flying by. A definitive list can
only be obtained by regular trapping over a long period. I run a Heath
trap every year on a local nature reserve (for about 10 years) and we
only really get new species now when people with Robinson traps come
over. Unfortunately these bigger traps are just better - but they are
much more expensive and difficult to use.

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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