Butterfly Experts

Citheronia at aol.com Citheronia at aol.com
Tue Jun 29 21:28:22 EDT 1999


Alrighty, I am familiar with some of these. Hope I'm correct....

On the Australian page....

Top three: #1=maleOrnithoptera priamus (ssp. poseidon??)  #2=Hypolimnas sp.   
#3=another Hypolimnas sp.

Second row down:#1=Yoma sabina (or close to sabina)   #2=Vindula erota   
#3=Papilio species ?

Bottom two:  #1 female Ornithoptera sp. (priamus?)    #2=some sort of a pierid

Hope this helps you out....

Randy Lyttle
Hannibal, NY

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