Practical Chemical Information Sought

Mark Walker MWalker at
Tue Mar 2 10:11:45 EST 1999

Neil Jones responded to:

> > 
> > Another chemical method that has hardly any odor compared to the 
> > napthalene/paradichlorobenzene products is to buy a Vapona (dichlorvos
> >  insecticide) no 
> > pest resin strip from a local hardware, supermarket or variety store for
> about
> >  $6.00. The 
> > strips slowly release a dichlorvos vapor that is lethal to insects, but
> not
> >  harmful to warm 
> > blooded animals if not abused.
> This subject has come up before and I disagree. The insectiside is 
> an Acetycholine-esterase inhibitor. This means that it poisons a nerve
> transmitter. The effects of exposure can be clinical depression or other
> mental symptoms. It is, of course,a matter of personal choice but I would
> prefer not to have such substances in my living or working environment.
	Yikes!  Did you have to choose those symptoms?  Now you've got us
all wondering.  I was perfectly content with the idea that these were just
personality characteristics, consequences of adolescent substance ingestion,
or the result of extended radiation exposure from my Nuclear Power days.  

	Oh well, at least you didn't include memory loss...

	Mark Walker

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