Butterflies on one bush - South Texas

Mike Quinn mqnature at hiline.net
Fri Mar 5 02:11:27 EST 1999

TX: Cameron Co.,
3 March 1999
Cate & Quinn

We observed the following butterflies on a SINGLE plant in little over an hour:

Giant White - 1, best lep of the day
Great Southern White - 1

Lyside Sulphur - 1

Gulf Fritillary - 1

Texan Crescent - many, all conditions
Red Admiral - 1, very worn
Vesta Crescent - 2
Pearl Crescent - many fresh individuals attempting to mate

Queen - 2

Carolina Satyr - actually nectaring, must be a good plant

Fiery Skipper - many
Laviana Skipper - 1
Checkered Skipper sp. - 1
Southern Skipperling - 2
Funereal Duskywing - 1
Mazans Sootywing - 1
Teleus Longtail - 3
Southern Broken-Dash - many fresh individuals attempting to mate

a Green Darner even hung briefly from a flower as if nectaring!!!

There were so many butterflies that they kept running into each other
making photography most difficult. It was like fall revisited!!!

And the plant was, drum roll please ... *Eupatorium incarnatum*


Mike Quinn North American Butterfly Association - South Texas
<MQnature at hiline.net> 1708 Hunt Ave. Donna, TX 78537-2924
NABA-SOTX: http://www.naba.org/chapters/nabast/index.html

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