Palm butterfly?

SK Khew khewsk at
Tue Mar 9 04:44:51 EST 1999

Hi Neil,

Looks like you've already got a bunch of replies which should help in 
your search for the word "Palm" in a butterfly's common English name.  
I'd like to add a couple more :

Common Palmfly - Elymnias hypermnestra beatrice (already mentioned by a 
few listers here)
Tawny Palmfly - Elymnias panthera panthera
Palm King - Amathusia phidippus phidippus

These are from the families Satyridae and Morphinae.  There are also a 
few Hesperiids like the Palm Dart and Palm Bob which have already been 
mentioned.  These species are found in Singapore and Malaysia and 
generally feed on sesrveral types of palms.

The three species I mentioned are figured in the URLs below :


>I am searching for a lepidopterous name associated with palm trees.
>Specifically I am looking for the scientific name of a butterfly
>which  has the word palm in its common English name. I cannot
>think of one. Can anyone help me?

Butterflies of Singapore :
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