Checkerspot-E. San Diego Co.

Niklas Wahlberg niklas.wahlberg at Helsinki.FI
Thu Mar 18 01:16:43 EST 1999

Hi all,
   Just to make things a bit more confusing: in my cladistic analysis of
checkerspot DNA sequences, Thessalia comes out in the middle of Chlosyne
and so should be lowered to subgeneric rank, unless you want to create a
new genus for the Central American Chlosyne... You can see a phylogeny of
the checkerspots at


At 16:10 17.3.1999 -0900, Kenelm Philip wrote:
>>        And of course to confuse things further, I'll throw in the fact
>>     that the NABA checklist uses Thessalia as the genus name for the
>>     Leanira Checkerspot.
>	The NABA list is hardly unique in that respect. Both the Hodges
>checklist (MONA) and the Miller/Brown catalogue use _Thessalia_ for this
>subgroup of _Chlosyne_ and raise it to generic rank. So this usage has
>been stable for some 16 years, at least...
>							Ken Philip
>fnkwp at

   Niklas Wahlberg                          
   Department of Ecology and Systematics    
   Division of Population Biology           
   PO Box 17 (Arkadiankatu 7)               
   00014 University of Helsinki
   p. +358-9-191 7378, fax +358-9-191 7301  
 Check out our www-site:                

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