UK butterflies

Andrew Wood AndrewGWood at
Thu Mar 18 14:20:45 EST 1999

Around Ware in Hertfordshire the Peacock (Inachis Io) and Brimstone
(Gonepteryx rhamni) seem to be commonest together with a few Small
Tortoiseshells (Aglais urticae) and one comma (Polygonia c-album). My
impression is that the Brimstone is more common this year than for the last
couple. As to moths in my garden in nearby Hertford all the usual Orthosia
species plus a very early Early Thorn (Selenia dentaria) on 13 March and a
Pine Beauty (Panolis flammea) last night 17th.

Shame today is colder and windy and tonight cold and looking frosty

Andrew wood

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