A small black moth ? UK

Dr Ian Dunn ianadunn at globalnet.co.uk
Fri Mar 26 03:36:17 EST 1999


Stuck my head out of the back door this am , into the sunshine , very close 
to the conurbation of Nottingham to find something small and black on my wall 
at about 1.5m basking in the sun . I've not seen this before . There is a 
garden which usually seems insect friendly , a hedge row and fields the 
otherside of the A 52 .There are ponds too .

It's 1cm long , overall black but with a yellow V on its back and the 
impression of being dusted with pollen ( perhaps it has been ! ) The legs
seem to be black and white , reminded me of a zebra spider ( only 6 
though ! ) . At first I thought it might have been a beetle but a hand lens 
leads me to believe it is a moth .

Does this description remind any one of anything ?


Dr Ian Dunn mailto ianadunn at globalnet.co.uk
Monsanto Monopoly Monoculture Mayhem Megamess
I'm saying
NO NO thankyou 

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