Specimens, subspecies, and GPS

Ryan Walters walter at rmi.net
Tue Mar 30 12:09:14 EST 1999

If you use GPS for a while it becomes fairly normal to know where the
location.  I use both place names and coordinates on my lables.
Current GPS systems should be within the hundred dollar mark before to long
so not terribly expensive.  I will bet that the good maps from
DeLorrimie or the USGS will merge these two in the next years (more than
now). This is going to come about whether we like it or not.
Secondly place names are not stable, they are political fictions for a
certain time while GPS notes a  discrete location on a sphere. Plus most GPS
systems cas tap into 4 satelites and give altitude.

Esther Cornelius wrote:

> A GPS location for ssp name would require a reference to find the
> location, (but I admit that I use a map to find other locations so
> there'e not much difference). Otherwise my only objection is that it
> sounds so non-visual, and would become difficult to distinguish from any
> other location/name. I vote no on GPS and yes for place names. Where do
> I send my ballot?
> Bill (alias Esther)
> PS: it's her website.(jeez!)

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