Specimens, subspecies, and GPS

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Tue Mar 30 15:14:10 EST 1999

I think that the use of GPS will become much more widespread in the next few years.   Who knows, we may all end up with implantable tracers so that Big Brother will know where everyone of us is at any time.  You can even see why this might be a useful attachment to errant children.  New GPS techniques allow location down to less than one meter, which is far more than anyone needs for butterfly studies or labels. 

However, I can't yet confirm that altitude is useful.  At least at sea level my $275 Garmin is very poor at altitude.  It knows the difference between 0 and 1000', but cannot match even a cheap altimeter.  

That may be a fault of my instrument or location or elevation. 
 M. Gochfeld

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