Monstrosity vs. cleaner butterfly wings

Jenna Ogilvie LadyJenna6 at
Wed Mar 31 20:44:53 EST 1999

> Fossil fuel has feminized the earth, made it softer, more
> accesible, to the point where we feel threatened to even let the thought
> taking the bus cross our mind. 
>   Fossil-fuel consumption also has its negative masculine, its
> side that creates deserts by thinking that it is subduing nature. And the
> sad fact is that it is succeeding, paradoxically by feminizing the
> nature in man, killing creativity and the very environment that supports
> of us.
>    "America is feminized. It is a maniac without balls." (Henry Miller,
> Tropic of Cancer)  

In saying this, are you saying that only the masculine have creativity? 
This is simply not true, take the works of Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Maya
Angelou, Georgia O'Keefe.  To be feminine is NOT a bad thing for a society
to be.  It means less cruelty, more sympathy, and a mothering instinct that
will help to clean the earth, our environment, not kill it.   You do have a
few good points about the use of fossil fuels themselves leading to our
destruction, but to say that they are feminizing is simply a poor choice of
words, even if you do have a quote ready to match up with it, as you
usually seem to.

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